Unwanted porn use
Unwanted porn use can cause a lot of stress and conflict in relationships, and often is blamed on having a porn or sex addiction. This label of addiction is not accurate, tends to oversimplify complex dynamics, and this language can create shame, stigma, and misunderstandings around what individuals are truly experiencing. I prioritize understanding each client's unique relationship with porn by providing a safe and non-judgmental space for exploring the reasons behind their porn use, addressing underlying emotional or psychological factors, understanding its impact on relationships, and empowering individuals to make healthier choices that align with their personal values and goals.
My approach is designed to assist clients in developing different coping strategies, reducing sexual shame, improving self-awareness and self-compassion, and healthier behaviors in relation to porn consumption.
Out of Control sexual behavior
I rely on the Out-of-Control Sexual Behavior (OCSB) model as a guiding framework to address issues related to sexual shame and unwanted porn use. This approach recognizes that behaviors perceived as 'out of control' often stem from lack of sex education, underlying emotional distress, trauma, or conflicting values/beliefs. My therapeutic process involves creating a safe and non-judgmental space where clients can explore the complexities of their relationship with sex and porn. Through the OCSB model, I help my clients to identify messaging and narratives they were given regarding their sexuality, underlying emotions, and any past experiences that might contribute to feelings of shame and patterns of unwanted porn use. By addressing these factors with empathy and understanding, clients move toward healing, self-compassion, and developing broader coping mechanisms that better align with their values and goals.